er the last few months Kejriwal and his AAP have turned the spotlight on a number of fundamental issues: one of the most important of them, which has not received the scrutiny it deserves, is the attitude of the mainstream media-primarily the elitist, English language TV channels and print media- towards the Aam Aadmi party and some of its leaders.
Their approach has progressed through the full range of journalistic hysteria- from contempt, scepticism, grudging acceptance, demanding, outrage, to outright condemnation ( the current phase).
During this tortuous journey the media has also exposed the full range of its deficiencies, from elitist bias to ignorance, disconnect, arrogance and perhaps cupidity.
The media has never accepted Kejriwal.
- It initially dismissed him as a charlatan and fraud and even dug into his IRS past (without success) to find material (the study leave issue, dues to govt.) to discredit him.
- It deliberately created a rift between him and Anna Hazare by over-emphasising their different paths.
- It churned out opinion polls ( of toilet paper utility) that could only prejudice his electoral prospects.
- It grudgingly accepted his political and moral ascendance in Delhi after the elections but quickly recouped its forces, joined ranks with all other political parties and unleashed a blitzkrieg against him that continues unabated till today.
Those anchors have all shut up now that all those bestial theories have been disproved, and (without so much as a ” sorry” to Mr. Tharoor) turned their undivided malevolent attention back to Kejriwal.